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A member registered Oct 13, 2020

Recent community posts

(3 edits)

-looks at the game
-8gb min, 16gb recommended
-9gb size
What have you done?

It doesn't work like that, young fella.

Oh I see. Completely missed those bodies.
Well I just got the second ending. Cool.

(1 edit)

It's not really fun. The shark wasn't really scary, just annoying to get stuck under.

I spent about 20 minutes looking for the second ending, but as far as I know, the only coordinate I can orient by, is the depth meter -  I guess. I did find the thing the pillar directed me to by accident, but I didn't get much further. I don't imagine the second ending to be so amazing to actually look for it that hard.

Nonetheless, good work for putting this together in 72 hours. The game kinda sold it's PS1 look, except for the sea floor, which I don't think even had a material.

But at the end of the day, thank God I didn't have to see the Unity logo. Indie devs should honestly move to Godot ;)

Hope to see more from you!